Story that tells the fantastic adventure of Gael, a 10-year-old boy, who is bullied at school and when he finds a magic cape, he is transported to a parallel world where he will learn to be strong and face all his challenges, regardless of his difficulties and fears. .
FrogBoy's main objective is to talk to people, from children to adults, about breaking their paradigms and limiting beliefs. Understanding that your mind and spirituality can take you further. And that your difficulties are not barriers, but steps that will propel you.
The initial subject will approach the bullying suffered by Gael, the protagonist of the story, but as the story unfolds, other themes also entered, such as: physical disability, childhood cancer, xenophobia, among others.
The project will speak to both those who suffer from it, or have already suffered it, and those who practice it or have also acted in this way with other people.
The message will be passed on in a playful and adventurous way as a way to make the theme more easily absorbable, also bringing entertainment and fun, generating connection with the public and evolving the project into a transmedia franchise.